Post-analysis & Visualization

Post-analysis module(s)

This section is under development. Once completed it aims to provide access and guiding instructions to scripts and/or modules that perform common post analysis on the gep_onsset electrification results.

Stay tuned for the updates!


One of the benefits of geospatial analysis is that the results can be vizualized on maps thus convey information in a more direct and “digestible” way. In addition, one might leverage the spatial attributes of the results and in combination with other geo-coded information provide location based analytics.

Using GIS software

The gep_onsset full result file can be visualized in any GIS medium (QGIS, GeoPandas etc.) with the use of the coordinate X_deg and Y_deg columns. These columns provide the longitude and latitute of each population settlement in WGS84 CRS - EPSG:4326.

Using the GEP Explorer

The GEP Explorer is open source. That is, it can be configured and used locally and independently of the online server. You can find more information of how to configure it on your local machine at the explorer repository on GitHub.